
Signs of Self

Independent Living Services for people who are
Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, or Deaf-Blind

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Independent Living Services

What services do we offer?

  1. We provide Independent Living Skills Training, Advocacy, Peer Support, and Information and Referral to individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing and deaf-blind and their Circles of Support.
  2. Provide you with personal guidance services and develop a plan with each client that meets your needs.
  3. Help you identify your independent living and employment needs in collaboration with your vocational rehabilitation counselor if you have one.
  4. As appropriate, arrange for tutoring or educational workshops to assist our clients in improving any skills or areas you identify you need help with.
  5. Provide you with instruction in work responsibilities, appropriate work behavior, how to apply for and interview for jobs, and ways to utilize interpreter services if that is right for you.
  6. Identify and help with referring consumers to other agencies as appropriate or necessary.
  7. Coordinate services with other resources and organizations int he community that you may be receiving or that you may need to be receiving.

Job Placement and Retention Services

What services do we offer?

  1. We provide Job Placement and Retention Services for individuals referred by the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation.
  2. Our employment services are based on a Customized Employment model - a process through which the relationship between employer and employee is negotiated and personalized in a way that meets the needs of both.
  3. We will work with individuals to develop a individualized plan of services that takes into account a persons strengths, limitations, goals, and priorities.
  4. Pre-employment activities can include an emphasis on job seeking skills, career exploration, and community-based work assessments.
  5. Our aim is to assist individuals to obtain successful employment through job coaching, proactive follow-along support, and provision of support and assistance to individuals and employers.
  6. For individuals with a hearing loss, we can also provide direct independent living services through Signs of Self’s on-site Independent Living Specialists. 

Our Core Values


  • Providing services in the clients language of choice
  • Recognizing that not all people with a hearing loss are the same
  • Recognizing that communication is a 2-way street and must involve a clear understanding of the clients own wishes to be effective


  • Being aware of the importance of individual differences
  • Honoring the ideas and choices of all involved
  • Treating everyone as we expect to be treated ourselves


  • Providing what the client needs, not only what we feel they need
  • Being dependable and reliable at all times
  • Accepting all clients with a hearing loss, regardless of their communication mode


  • Providing professional and ethically sound services at all times
  • Taking pride in all that we do
  • Being committed and responsible to those we serve


  • Working with clients to not only dream, but to reach those dreams
  • Advocating for increased awareness and acceptance of the rights of individuals with a hearing loss
  • Educating individuals, families, and the community on ways to meet their needs

Signs of Self - 1481 S. King Street, #541 - Honolulu, HI 96814
(808) 382-3881 (v/txt) - (808) 442-6434 (vp) - (808) 951-0848 (fax) -

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